How to Succeed in Sales

Are you considering a career in sales? Do you want some innovative sales techniques? Then you might be interested to know that 70% of people who take up jobs in sales end up failing.

On this episode, John Voris and Kim Eley will explore the origin story behind John’s career in sales and his journey to discovering Authentic Systems for a new sales technique.

We’ll uncover the four archetypes — Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power — and discuss the surf, turf, and amphibian approach to selling.

You’ll also learn why not all sales positions are the same and how the philosophy or worldviews of each rep impacts their rates of success.

Join us for an engaging deep dive into what it takes to succeed in sales. It could change your entire career!

About the author

CEO of Authentic Systems, Degree in Philosophy from University of California, Berkeley.

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