If you think symbols are just marks on a page or representations of objects or concepts, think again!
In this episode of Authentic Systems, John and Kim discuss why symbols matter and explore the ways in which symbols control our lives, from how they impact the way we think to how we express ourselves. They discuss types of symbols and what they reflect.
Understanding symbols will help you understand what motivates you, why you value the things you do, and more.
Dig deeper with us with this lively discussion to learn about this foundation of Authentic Systems and ultimately unlock your understanding of who you really are.
[…] Symbols permeate our everyday life. They can be objects, events, ideas, and even people. Symbols can be anything! Carl Jung said “the world is a symbol.” […]
[…] Symbols have the power to evoke specific emotions and memories. They shape and reflect our perceptions and beliefs. Symbols carry enormous cultural significance by helping us navigate our world by embedding unique messages and stories within them. Symbols run our lives. […]