Archetypes Are the Most Powerful Symbols
Archetypes are the symbolic sources of human expression which is why archetypes are the most powerful symbols. They are living symbols as they encapsulate human actions and the breadth of human experiences.  In this article...
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Our identities search for the meaning of objects to reflect our authentic self and express our aspirations. Objects carry a weight of symbolic meaning far beyond their tangible existence. Why is the world us filled...
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Types of symbols in the world
There are different types of symbols everywhere. Logos on electronics, circus clowns, the word “free,” snow-peaked mountains—these are all symbols with distinct meanings and significance.  Symbols have the power to evoke specific emotions and memories....
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How symbols give life meaning
Symbols give meaning to life by giving us the opportunity to express ourselves with more richness and complexity.  When you think of symbols, you might first think of something like a conventional symbol such as...
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Phenomenology for selling
I know seeing the word Phenomenology in the title of this article is a little scary and boring at the same time. Seeing the word Phenomenology with Selling could also induce some uncomfortable sensations. But...
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Cold Calling with Authentic Identity
Reflecting on my journey as a cold calling salesman, I’ve come to realize that each interaction was more than a mere sales pitch. It was a window into the essence of another human being.  My...
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